
 8th Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry Symposium

8th RSC-CICAG / RSC-BMCS Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry

Monday-Wednesday, 22nd – 24th September 2025

Churchill College, Cambridge

Important links and downloads
X hashtag – #AIChem25
Please check back for further details regarding registration
To Exhibit or Sponsor the meeting, please email 

Artificial Intelligence is experiencing a renaissance in the development of new methods and practical applications to ongoing challenges in Chemistry. Following the successes of six annual “Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry” meetings starting in 2018, we are pleased to announce that the Chemical Information & Computer Applications Group (CICAG) and Biological & Medicinal Chemistry Sector (BMCS)  of the Royal Society of Chemistry are once again organising a conference to present the current advances in AI and machine learning in Chemistry. The meeting will be held over two and half days and combine aspects of artificial intelligence and deep machine learning methods to applications in chemistry.  The programme will include a mixture of keynote talks, panel discussion, oral presentations, flash presentations, posters and opportunities for open debate, networking and discussion.

This year meeting will follow 2024 with two and half days and will include workshop on first day, please keep checking website for updates.

Who should attend
This meeting will be of interest to scientists of any level of experience from academia and industry

Call for Posters / Abstracts
Please check back soon for further details regarding Posters and Abstracts.

Want to become a member?
To join the RSC in order to qualify for discounted registration fees at all RSC, please follow this RSC link.

Scientific Organising Committee
Nathan Brown, Healx
Nessa Carson, AstraZeneca
Samantha Hughes, AstraZeneca
Garrett M. Morris, University of Oxford 
Pradip Songara, Rothamsted Research 
Chris Swain, Cambridge MedChem Consulting

Secretariat Contact
Hg3 Conferences Ltd
+44 (0)1423 529333