The Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector aims to further the interests of all members of the RSC, both industrial and academic, involved in the pursuit and understanding of biologically active molecules.

Latest News

BMCS Postgraduate Symposium Prize Winners

The organising committee from recent BMCS Postgraduate Symposium held in Oxford would like to thank all speakers, poster presenters, delegates, exhibitors and sponsors for helping to make a very successful meeting. 

The winners of the abstract prizes (pictured) were: Best oral prize awarded to Jacob […]

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Forthcoming Events


BMCS aims to further the interests of all members of the RSC involved in the pursuit and understanding of biologically active molecules.


Organisation of scientific meetings and symposia.

Recognition and reward for outstanding achievements in biological and medicinal chemistry.

Support for educational activities in the UK through grants and bursaries.

Get Involved

Existing RSC members can join the BMCS by updating their details in the “My communities and subscriptions” tab of the online RSC membership area. To find out more about joining the RSC click here.

We are always looking for new committee members who are keen to get involved and to help organise our activities.

Education Support

The RSC BMCS are delighted to do what we can to support students, as they start on the road that will see them becoming the next generation of chemistry experts who we will depend upon. Our Education Support group takes responsibility for our educational activities.

Atomic model sets (funded by an RSC BMCS Enhanced Equipment grant) helping St Marylebone School students to visualise the transfer of electrons when forming ions.

RSC Membership & Professional Community

Supporting and connecting individuals and organisations across the world