
Postgraduate Symposium XVIII – Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Symposium for Postgraduates

Postgraduate Symposium XVIII – Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Symposium for Postgraduates

Thursday 12th December, 2024

The Medical Sciences Teaching Centre, University of Oxford, South Parks Rd, OxfordOX1 3PL

Downloads and Links
X hashtag – #BMCSPostGrad24
To submit your Abstract, click here 
To register, click here
To Exhibit/Sponsor, click here

This face to face meeting will comprise of oral and poster presentations from PhD students and post-doctoral workers researching in biological or medicinal chemistry. In addition, the agenda will feature invited keynote speakers from industry and academia.

Registration is now open! Click here to register.

This is a free symposium for PhD students, post-doctoral workers, academics and industry workers.

Who should attend
This conference will be of interest to PhD students, post-doctoral workers, academics and industry workers.

Want to become an RSC member?
To join the RSC in order to qualify for discounted registration fees at all RSC events, please follow this RSC link

Call for Abstracts
Abstract submission for oral, flash talks and poster presentations is now open. The deadline for abstract submissions is Midnight (BST), Friday 30th August, 2024, click here to submit your abstract.

Sponsorship – click here to sponsor
There is no registration fee for this symposium and we are therefore seeking sponsorship from companies towards running the costs.
All sponsor logos will be displayed on the holding slides, pdf of the delegate handbook and included in the communications to delegates.

Exhibition – click here to book stand
The exhibition stand package includes:

– A six foot trestle table and chair(s)
– Access to electricity and wi-fi
– Logo inclusion in pdf delegate handbook, rolling slides and event website
– Exhibitor’s promotional page in the pdf delegate handbook
– One stand personnel







Organising Committee
Rose Bardell-Cox, Evotec (Treasurer)
Katherine Jones, Charles River
Tom Lanyon-Hogg, University of Oxford
Angela Russell, University of Oxford
John Skidmore, University of Cambridge
Mary Wheldon, University of Dundee (Chair)
Douglas Williamson, RSC BMCS

Secretariat Contact and Further Information
Hg3 Conferences Ltd
+44 (0)1423 529333