3rd RSC / SCI Symposium on Antimicrobial Drug Discovery
3rd RSC / SCI symposium on antimicrobial drug discovery
Monday-Tuesday, 15th-16th November 2021
A virtual event
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Event website
At a time when antimicrobial resistance is decreasing the efficacy of existing treatments, it has never been more important that we refresh the drug pipeline with new therapeutics acting on new targets or exhibiting novel modes of action.
Fortunately, renewed interest from both industry and academia has led to a resurgence in antimicrobial drug discovery and interest in developing innovative technologies and approaches for combating infection.
Coinciding with WHO’s World Antibiotics Awareness week, this two-day meeting will examine the latest advances in antimicrobial drug discovery from a medicinal chemist’s perspective, focusing on the particular challenges associated with developing antimicrobials whilst also showcasing emerging strategies for tackling infection.
Who should attend
Bringing together leading exponents in the field from industry and academia, the meeting will appeal to anyone with an interest in antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial drug discovery. And with great opportunities for academic–industrial partnerships, researchers from both sectors will also benefit from the networking opportunities that the meeting will offer.
Call for Posters and Flash Presentations
Anyone wishing to present a poster should submit a one-page abstract to conferences@soci.org by Friday 10 September 2021 with “AM-III – poster abstract” in the subject line. Selected poster presenters will have the opportunity to give a flash presentation.
Confirmed Speakers
See the event website for the full programme
Five years of challenges and triumphs in the CARB-X portfolio
Erin Duffy, CARB-X, Boston University, USA
Addressing unusual anti-infective targets
Anna Hirsch, Helmholtz+C9 Institute, Germany
Discovery of novel non-beta-lactam PBP inhibitors to treat Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections
Thomas Durand-Reville, Entasis Therapeutics, USA
Therapeutic drug monitoring for antimicrobials: microneedles and point-of-care biosensors
Danny O’Hare, Imperial College London, UK
Tethered macrocyclic peptides, a novel antibiotic class targeting Acinetobacter baumannii
Patrizio Mattei, Roche, Switzerland
The truth is out there: nature as a source of new antimicrobials and alternatives
Gerry Wright, McMaster University, Canada
Presentation title to be confirmed
Mihiro Sunose, Sygnature Discovery, UK
Smart biomaterials for the treatment of fungal and bacterial infections
Anita Shukla, Brown University, USA
Registration is open and fees are:
Early bird rates (end 27th September 2021)
£75 *SCI/RSC member
£150 Non-member
£35 *SCI/RSC student member
Standard rates (from 28th September 2021)
£135 *SCI/RSC member
£210 Non-member
£35 *SCI/RSC student member
*RSC members should email their name, membership type and number to SCI Conferences in order to receive the relevant code to book for this event.
Want to become a member?
To join the RSC or SCI in order to qualify for discounted registration fees at all RSC or SCI events, please follow this RSC link or this SCI link.
Exhibitor Opportunity
Details to be provided.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsors are encouraged to support this event, and we are grateful to our confirmed sponsors: MedChemica, charles river, CCDC, Domainex, CDD
Organising Committee
Dr Liam Cox, University of Birmingham
Dr Caroline Low, Computational Medicinal Chemistry Consultant
Dr Pascal Savy, Charles River Laboratories
Dr Francis Wilson, Summit Therapeutics
Secretariat Contact and Further Information
SCI Conference Team
Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 15611