21st RSC / SCI Medicinal Chemistry Symposium
21st RSC / SCI Medicinal Chemistry Symposium
Monday-Wednesday, 13th-15th September 2021
Hosted virtually and with an in-person option at Churchill College, Cambridge, UK
Downloads and Links
Final announcement
Twitter hashtag – #CamMedChem21
Event website
The organisers invite you to the 21st RSC / SCI Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Europe’s premier biennial Medicinal Chemistry event, focussing on first disclosures and new strategies in Medicinal Chemistry.
Reflecting current trends in medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical research, the scientific programme will feature lectures on the full range of drug targets, key enabling processes and technologies together with late breaker talks.
Who should attend
This conference will be of interest to both academic and industrial scientists engaged in all aspects of the drug discovery and development process. It will aim to showcase first disclosures of significant new therapeutic agents across all disease areas, and provide a forum for discussion of current topics and thinking at the forefront of medicinal chemistry.
Abstract Submission
The calls for oral and poster abstracts are now all closed.
All posters will be displayed online only.
Poster numbers
Flash poster presentation programmes
Poster contributions were invited from the whole field of medicinal chemistry. Those presenting a poster could also elect to advertise their poster via an oral presentation of a single-slide ‘flash’ poster. To enable presenters to receive approval from their institutions, there were early and final submission dates – 30th April and 23rd July 2021.
Early-career Medicinal Chemistry Workshop
Now postponed.
A traditional aspect of the 21st RSC / SCI Medicinal chemistry symposium program is the Early-career Medicinal Chemistry Workshop. Early career scientists (five years or fewer of post-graduate experience in medicinal chemistry) attending the conference have the opportunity to apply for a free place on this popular satellite event.
The content has been recently updated and the workshop will be facilitated by a cross-industry group of expert medicinal chemists
Given the organisational complexities involved in this year’s meeting, the Organising Committee have taken the decision to separate the training workshop from the blended event and this will now be held at a later date (to be arranged, probably November) in an online (fully virtual) setting.
If you would like to apply to participate, then please confirm both your interest and that you are happy to be contacted by e-mail in regard to this event by e-mailing Maggi Churchouse. Your e-mail details would be stored for the sole purpose of contacting you regarding this event and then deleted after its completion, in line with data protection practices.
Monday, 13th September
13.30 | Introduction and welcome |
Session 1 | |
13.35 | Discovery and first structural disclosure of AZD0095, a potent and selective inhibitor of MCT4 for oncology Frederick Goldberg, AstraZeneca, UK |
14.10 | Structure-guided discovery of a potent and selective USP7 inhibitor András Kotschy, Servier Research Institute of Medicinal Chemistry, HU |
14.45 | Lenacapavir: a first-in-class phase 2/3 HIV capsid inhibitor with potential for twice yearly dosing Jennifer Zhang, Gilead Sciences, US |
15.20 | Flash poster presentations - session 1 (ten two-minute presentations) |
15.40 | Posters, networking, exhibitor videos, and refreshments |
Session 2 | |
16.40 | Translating frontier oncology targets to outsmart cancer™ Elena Koltun, Revolution Medicines, US |
17.15 | Discovery of CFTR modulators for the treatment of cystic fibrosis Jeremy Clemens, Vertex, US |
17.50 | Mass spectrometry and its role in drug discovery Keynote: Dame Carol Robinson, University of Oxford, UK |
18.25 | Close |
Tuesday, 14th September
Session 3 | |
10.30 | Lysine-targeting covaleLysine-targeting covalent inhibitors – overcoming difficult-to-drug proteins and resistance Matthew Cheeseman, The Institute of Cancer Research, UK |
11.05 | Snapshots of cannabinoid receptor 2 agonists on their way to bedside Uwe Grether, F Hoffmann-La Roche, CH |
11.40 | The identification of GPR52 agonist HTL0041178, a potential therapy for schizoaffective and related psychiatric disorders Steve Watson, Sosei Heptares, UK |
12.15 | Lunch break |
Session 4 | |
13.15 | Presentation of the 2021 Malcolm Campbell Memorial Prize to Sir Patrick Vallance, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of the UK |
13.25 | Discovery of highly soluble inhaled FRAP1 inhibitors with high lung:systemic unbound ratio via application of a novel 3Rs inhaled approach Heather Hobbs, GlaxoSmithKline, UK |
14.00 | Discovery of IRAK4 inhibitors BAY 845 and BAY 839: first disclosure presentation Ulrich Bothe, Bayer, DE |
14.35 | Flash poster presentations - session 2 (ten two-minute presentations) |
14.55 | Posters, networking, exhibitor videos, and refreshments |
Session 5 | |
15.55 | Discovery of potent, selective and brain-penetrant eIF2B activators for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases Maksim Osipov, Denali Therapeutics, US |
16.30 | Development of next generation utrophin modulators for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: learning from clinical setbacks Angela Russell, University of Oxford, UK |
17.05 | Medicines for millions The BMCS Hall of Fame 2020 Inductee: David Rees, Astex Pharmaceuticals, UK |
17.40 | Close |
Wednesday, 15th September
Session 6 | |
10.30 | Design of advanced γ-secretase modulators by co-ordinated structural replacements and a novel bioisostere Rosa Maria Rodriguez Sarmiento, F Hoffmann-La Roche, CH |
10.50 | Discovery of camizestrant (AZD9833) – a next generation oral SERD in phase 3 Thomas Moss, AstraZeneca, UK |
11.25 | Advances in small molecules inducing targeted protein degradation Ian Collins, The Institute of Cancer Research, UK |
11.45 | Proteomics based target deconvolution leads to the discovery of PAPD5 as the target of the HBV-antigen inhibitor RG7834 Douglas Thomson, GlaxoSmithKline, DE |
12.20 | Lunch break |
Session 7 - Late-breaking Science | |
13.20 | The COVID Moonshot: SARS-CoV-2 oral antiviral therapeutics from an Open Science Global Collaboration Ed Griffen, MedChemica, UK |
13.40 | Oral inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease for the treatment of COVID-19 Dafydd Owen, Pfizer Worldwide Research Development and Medicine, US |
14.00 | Fragment based discovery of MRTX9768, a selective inhibitor of the PRMT5∙MTA complex for the treatment of MTAP/CDKN2A ̶ deleted tumours Chris Smith, Mirati Therapeutics, US |
14.35 | Discovery of an oral, Ro5 compliant IL17A protein-protein interaction modulator for the treatment of psoriasis Mark Andrews, LEO Pharma, DK |
15.10 | Posters, networking, exhibitor videos, and refreshments |
Session 8 | |
15.40 | Picking up new interactions in a peptide binding site to generate cell-active inhibitors of BCL6 Rosemary Huckvale, The Institute of Cancer Research, UK |
16.00 | The effect of core replacement on the selective Mcl-1 inhibitor S64315 Márton Csékei, Servier Research Institute of Medicinal Chemistry, HU |
16.20 | Inspiring medicinal chemistry with novel multi-objective optimised ideas: the Novartis Generative Chemistry initiative Finton Sirockin, Novartis, CH |
16.55 | Closing remarks |
17.00 | Close |
Registration is closed
Registration Fees
Registration closed on the evening of 9th September. Delegate registration fees for virtual attendance include attendance at the full technical programme. Only one log-in link will be allocated to each registered delegate.
£230 Member* of the RSC or SCI
£270 Non-member
£115 Student** member, unemployed member, retired member
£135 Student** non-member, unemployed non-member, retired non-member
£1000 Exhibitor Package† – no attendees are included
* Member is a paid-up member of the RSC or SCI
** Student rates apply to undergraduate and post-graduate students only, but not post-doctoral students.
† For details of the Package, see the Exhibitor Opportunity Package paragraph below.
Some student bursaries were available – see below.
Format of Symposium (virtual and physical)
The symposium will be available as a virtual event for all registered delegates.
At the time of registration, delegates were asked whether they wished to be considered for face-to-face participation if the opportunity arose. The Organising Committee has agreed to go ahead with a physical meeting for some, limiting the number in the conference room to 52 at any one time. Those who were already registered (at 29th July) and who had expressed interest have already been notified that they have been selected to participate in person. COVID rules will apply, and the physical element could be cancelled at any moment if necessary due to force majeure.
All 52 physical places have been booked, but you may select this option when registering in order to join the waiting list.
Those selected to attend in person have been asked to pay the additional registration fees below, have been informed about making accommodation bookings direct with Churchill College, and have been notified of the applicable COVID rules.
There will be no exhibition stands or physical poster presentation at a face-to-face meeting.
Want to become a member?
To join the RSC or SCI in order to qualify for discounted registration fees at all RSC or SCI events, please follow this RSC link or this SCI link.
Student Bursaries
Some student bursaries were available to cover the Student Member registration fee of £115. Applications were invited from PhD and post-doctoral students studying at an academic institution, preferably members of the RSC, SCI or EFMC.
These bursaries are supported by the RSC-BMCS and the SCI. SCI bursaries will only be awarded to those who are SCI members.
The closing date for bursary application was 30th July 2021.
Exhibitor Opportunity
The Exhibitor Package is priced at £1,000 and includes:
– Logo and web-link in “all-delegate” pre-event e-mails
– Logo and web-link on Maggi Churchouse Events webpage
– Full promotional page in delegate handbook (web-linked for electronic handbook)
– Logo in rolling slides shown at event
– Logo and web-link in “all-delegate” post-event e-mail.
Additional benefits may be added to this package, especially networking.
Note: no delegate registrations are included with this Exhibitor Package.
There will be no physical presence at the face-to-face meeting.
Confirmed Exhibitors
Activate Scientific | Weblink |
BLD Pharmatech | Weblink |
CCDC | Weblink |
Charnwood Molecular | Weblink |
Collaborative Drug Discovery | Weblink |
Concept Life Sciences | Weblink |
Fidelta | Weblink |
Key Organics | Weblink |
Liverpool ChiroChem | Weblink |
MedChem Express | Weblnk |
MedChemica | Weblink |
Selvita | Weblink |
Teledyne ISCO | Weblink |
Apex Molecular | Weblink |
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsors are encouraged to support Europe’s premier, biennial medicinal chemistry event. We are grateful to our confirmed sponsors: Domainex, Selvita, Hypha Discovery, Evotec, AstraZeneca, Charles River, X-Chem, Vertex, GlaxoSmithKline, Collaborative Drug Discovery, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Novartis, and Astex.
We are grateful to our supporters: EFMC and Marine Drugs Journal
Organising Committee
Nadia Ahmad, Charles River
Mark Healy, Novartis (Technical Adviser)
Simon Peace, GlaxoSmithKline (Chair)
Jo Pinder, Vertex
Gordon Saxty, Fidelta (Treasurer)
Jamie Scott, AstraZeneca
Chris Swain, Cambridge MedChem Consulting
Nigel Swain, Sosei Heptares
Andrew Williams, Hon Chairman, RSC BMCS
Secretariat Contact and Further Information
Maggi Churchouse, Maggi Churchouse Events, UK
+44 (0)1359 221004
Event website